Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Smile Journey

About a year ago I thought it would be important for me to start blogging again. So many exciting things have happened since my last blog entry and I've not had a chance to write them down. As I get older I realize the importance of writing things down. Not just because you think someone might read what you wrote down but simply because it gives an avenue to reflect on what happened, is happening or might happen in the future. 

Mid last year, I received an invitation to work with Operation Smile in Kenya. While this has been a great challenge, it's also been a truly inspirational experience. With every surgical program that we've put together, I've had the unique opportunity to watch God working through humans to transform the lives children and adults in a tremendous way. It's truly energizing to know the hope that Operation Smile brings to families and communities around the world and Kenya in particular. It sure keeps me getting up every morning and looking forward to another day, regardless of the challenges that lurk along my path.

I hope that as I share these exciting developments, you will find some inspiration and encouragement as you work in each of your corners to light up the world.

Esperant Mulumba