Last week I was out in Pottuvil - an area where ADRA is looking at implementing a water and sanitation project. The purpose of my trip was to look for potential property that ADRA could use as offices and staff housing, find ways that ADRA can network with other NGOs working in the area, assessing communities, and preparing for/anticipating possible challenges in implementing our program. Here are some of the pictures from the tirp. Hope you enjoy them!
Weddings are great. While weddings are wedding, Sri Lankan weddings are really special. For one, there' s alwyas lots of food. And for me, a free meal's always great! In addition, the attires you find at weddings are really unique. There's also this atmosphere of friendliness and love that fills the air. When you spend time at a wedding, it's difficult to understand why such kind, loving, and caring people would ever want to go to war against each other. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the photos. You're welcome to post any comment or quesitons you may have.
I was invited soon after my trip around the island to be a week of prayer at Lakpahana Adventist College. It's more like an academy though. It was a good experience. Many of the students took the decision to be baptized and to study the Bible. Enjoy the pictures.