Thursday, April 24, 2008


Dear God,

It's me. I come to you uncensored, unrehearse, unplanned. Just me. Taking another opportunity to pour out my heart to you. Just a few days ago I stood before your children, telling them how they should persevere and like the three Hebrew young men stand for you, stand with you even when times get tough. Then I remember telling them that the devil was going to increase his efforts to pull them away from you. Well, God, it looks like that time has come. I'm tired and I feel like giving up when I think about all the challenges that are ahead of me. You've provided for me in the past but it's just so hard right now to believe that you will do it again. I'm not sure why. I want to spend time studying your word but somehow something "more important" comes up. I know it hurts you when I spend so much time away from you and complain that I don't see you at work in my life. It's ironic. I know. I'm willing to take responsibility for it. If you give me a little extra strength, I may even be able to clean up my mess. But why Lord? Please just clean this mess for me. I get caught between what I want and what I know you'd rather have me do. I see with human eyes and I tend to trust only what I can touch. Teach me to see with my heart and feel with my faith. Help me to just have a glimpse of what it is that you see when you look down on me. I feel the devil bringing dark clouds around me. Lord, I don't want to be depressed. Deep down inside I know that it is in my moments of trial that you are praised. And that it's when I'm weak that I'm truly strong through your Son Jesus Christ. But I'm too weak to claim those promises. Please bestow them on me. Lord, break the shackles that have long held my feet down. As I walk with my head hanging down in shame for having walked so far away from you, please restore my dignity. The dignity that I can only find through you and through the sacrifice that you have made for me.

Lord Jesus I know that you did not die in vain. I also believe that you resurrected on the third day after your enemies - me and the rest of the world - nailed you to the cross. I'm praying that you will make the reality of your sacrifice a reality in my life. Help me live with the conscious realization that you are God and you have braved all the world's struggles so that I should not have to worry about anything except my connection with you.

Lord Jesus, I pray that you will purify my heart. Cleanse me and gear me up for your service. Wherever it is you call me to go, give me the strength, the will, the wisdom, the courage, and the humility to follow. And as I follow your leading, I pray that you will provide for my needs. Lord give me just enough to be content. Please don't give me more than I can handle. Draw me closer and closer to you.

Dear God, I also pray for all those who, like me, may be going through moments of darkness and a sense of separation from you. Please remember those who don't know you and are spending precious hours in the darkness. Reach out in love and touch them. Use me.

I can count a million times
People asking me how I
Can praise You with all that
I've gone through
The question just amazes me
Can circumstances possibly
Change who I forever am in You

Maybe since my life was changed
Long before these rainy days
It's never really ever crossed my mind
To turn my back on you, oh Lord
My only shelter from the storm
But instead I draw closer through these times
So I pray

Bring me joy, bring me peace
Bring the chance to be free
Bring me anything that brings
You glory And I know there'll
be days When this life brings me pain
But if that's what it takes to
praise You Jesus, bring the rain

I am yours regardless of the clouds that may
loom above because you are much greater than
my pain you who made a way for me suffering
your destiny so tell me whats a little rain

Holy, holy, holy
Holy, holy, holy
is the lord God almighty
is the lord God almighty
I'm forever singing

MercyMe - Bring the Rain
Coming Up to Breathe


phat said...

Reading your blog today felt like i was walking the same path.Walking through a path unknown,where am i headed can't find my way.There's waht i want in life and there's what God wants for me.And sometimes it does get scary when you let Him have your will in your life.What will He decide for me,but then again am comforted to know that when i delight in Him He will give me the desires of my heart.Lately,have i been spending time bonding with God as i was?Does that mean now that am not as faithful He'll withdraw His blessings.I need a break,only to be still and know that He is God.Just me and Him.Feels like am suffering from spiritual burnout,been so much about God's business that i've lost touch with the God that am serving.I want to run away form myself and my wants,that He may undo all my will and His will may be done in my life.I want to go back to school,and there's what God wants for me.I want to hear His voice more clearly that i may not miss the opportunities that He has in store for me.Like my friend says,'Lord teach me to seek your face before i seek your hand'.Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness,and all these things shall be added unto you.Am helpless,help me hang in there,to trust that You know whats best for me evn when i don't understand.

Anonymous said...

hey espy
i'm praying for you. i hope things get better soon, and dont worry.
like you told me, you're just resting in God's palms. He's taking care of you.

Mariposa said...


Inkz said...

Esp, I have to say, out of all the posts you have put up here... I think this is my favourite so far. It touched deep inside. too deep. :) Hope things are looking brighter! :) I appreciate you! :)