Thursday, April 06, 2006

Welcome to my journal

Welcome to my blog!

Alright. Here I am again trying to setup a blog and this time I hope I can maintain it and not forget the password to it. Thank you Sendy for giving me the motivation to start a blog. As I think about what to include on this website, I've decided to just put everything about my life (well, maybe not every thing) but all the current events so that you can all keep up with the never-ending changes that have been going on this past year or so. You'll also get to see lots of pictures (as long as I can find a connection that allows me to upload them fast enough. I have an issue with patience). The pictures will be about my personal life and my work with ADRA. I hope that your visit here will be meaningful and that you will have a slightly better understanding of the different cultures I've lived in. I also hope that if you're not already adventurous, you will get motivated to get out of your comfort zone and do something unusual to make a difference in the lives of others and to simply grow as a person. Once again, welcome to my online journal - the adventures of my life.


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